American Fascism

Americans have become spoiled with the freedoms we've allowed them to enjoy, and they must get a reality-check from those of us who allow their freedom.

July 4, 2013

Since it's the Fourth of July, it's a good time to reflect on the direction this country is headed. Every day you read about more terrorist bombings, more leaks by traitorous "Americans", and more smear campaigns by journalists against the NSA, TSA, and other governmental agents that keep us safe.

Fortunately, there are hundreds of thousands of strong and dependable members of the military, law enforcement, and intelligence community that help prevent this. Citizens of the US don't realize it, but we are the ones who grant them their right to exist. Without us, they would be destroyed in an instant by Terrorists. As a result, we have dominion over them. When too many citizens use their freedom to advocate positions that might create risk, those freedoms must be exercised by us on their behalf.

These problems exist because the rhetoric of rights is out of control. As a result, the only reasonable option is a fascist regime to prevent the scale from tipping over completely. By taking rights away from those who can't exercise them appropriately, we will keep them safe from themselves, and prevent collateral damage to True Americans in the process.

The place to start is with Edward Snowden. He committed treason against the greatest nation on Earth: the USA. He unleashed his pen of terror upon the innocent men and women of the US, then fled his Homeland. By commiting what can only reasonably be considered an act of war, he has transformed himself into an enemy combatant, and is exempt from freedoms that the Constitution and Bill of Rights recommend. He should be found, abducted, and rendered into to the dankest, blackest hole in the US rendition network. He needs to be tortured, and ultimately killed in the most brutal and public way possible, as a symbol of how serious his crime against true freedom was, and as a symbol of the greatness of the United States of America.

Once Snowden gives up the identity of his allies, we can easily slash and burn our way through his contact network. Identifying, tracking, detaining, and disabling them will be trivial.

But we need to think on the longer time scale, and prevent this from happening again. We need to broaden the scope and and increase the power of the surveillance structures we have at our disposal. There is no reason why we can't have a live feed from every web cam on the planet being integrated into our surveillance mesh using GPS coordinates. We should have a predator drone with effector systems in every sector of the sky. Every conceivable secret must be uncovered, so that we can use them to best promote freedom that won't leave the entire country exposed to bad judgement by one individual who thinks they understand what freedom means.

We need to identify leaks before they happen. We need to be able to detect a change in the heart of a person which can later enable a catastrophic security breach. We can do this by widening the network of protection, and developing more sophisticated models of human behavior. The same way that Target knows a girl is pregnant, we need to know what Edward Snowden hates America.

Once we get to this point, we'll get an alert at the time the loyalty turns. Indeed: by definition, this is the point at which the Terrorist is actually born, and we therefore have a legal and moral basis to intervene. We can use our continuous visual feeds in the form of web cams and predator aircraft to visualize them, and a True American can make the decision about whether detention, rendition, or execution makes the most sense. Even better, we will be able to leverage our social graph, to the benefit of their friends and families. By innoculating them against the people with impure and cancerous ideas about freedom, we will harden them against it.

This is just the beginning, friends. Fascism, will bring about a new era in America. Like George W. Bush sagely stated: in the post 9-11 world, you are with us or you are against us. It's time to show these people complaining about "eavesdropping" (essentially just a back-up we made on their behalf) how well they really had it.

Honor Roll of American Fascist

There are a small number of leaders in the US today understand these facts. The following list is a compilation of persons who have had the foresight and courage to support facism: they understand how to protect citizens from their freedom, and are true American Patriots. Links to substantiate their identity as an ally of the fascist movement are provided.

If you know of any other high-profile individuals who deserve recognition for their efforts on behalf of American Fascism, please make sure we don't overlook them! Send their names and a link with documentation of their accomplishments to (this is an anonymous email address, because it makes me uncomfortable to post personal information on the web).